Trigon is a development management company with the sole aim of making our clients' lives easier.

While delivering developments is incredibly complex, our approach to development management is intentionally simple. We streamline processes. We maintain precision. We operate with clarity and transparency. Most importantly though, we offer our clients a truly bespoke service. Ensuring they can focus on the key decisions, while we keep things on track, on time and on budget.

Our approach

By taking the time to understand the exact outcome you’re looking for, we create an array of trackable outputs to ensure that’s exactly what happens.

Development Management Outputs

Clear and concise, and tailored to your individual needs, the goal of our reporting is to give exactly the information you need when you need it – arming you with the critical insights to make the best decisions at every stage.

Project Management Outputs

Our approach to the day-to-day management of a project is nothing if not hands-on. It’s by building the best team, ensuring everyone knows what’s expected of them and then proactively overseeing every aspect of the build that we deliver results.

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£2.3 billion in planning

£285 million currently on site

£709 million in acquisitions